> DIRECTORS > Information |
How can I sign up for?
Create an account as a director here. How can I upload my film? Log in and click on the UPLOAD FILM icon at MY FILMS tab. Fill out all the info about your film, don’t forget to upload photos on Attached files section. Video formats accepted: Upload you film in HD quality (1920x1080) MPG, MPEG, AVI, MP4, WMV, FLV, M4V, MOV, RM, MKV, VOB Formats recommended: MP4 and MOV Browsers recommended: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera are the best options Maximum file size: Up to 30 minutes: 2GB. Between 30 and 60 minutes: 3GB. More than 60 minutes: 4GB. Subtitles: There are two options: Embedded subtitles: Click For Festivals recommends adding the different versions of your film at the same film. The festivals will be able to watch and download all the versions. This way you won’t have to choose what version submit because all of them will be together. Click on V.O icon Add new version, write the alias and select the language and subtitles and upload the video. Srt files: Upload just the original version of your film without subtitles and then upload as much as .srt files at FILM DATA SHEET – List of Dialogues section. Are Festivals able to download my film? Yes, the programmers are the only ones who may download just the files submitted to their festivals. So, if you submit your HD file to a festival, forget about sending the screener copies if you turn out selected. Is it free?
One submission to a festival = One click. ¿What’s the price of the clicks? Price depends on the amount of clicks you buy. The more clicks you buy the cheaper the are (From 0,5 to 3€) Festivals in promotion just cost 0,5 click. How can I buy clicks? Go to MY ACCOUNT tab. There are two payment options via Paypal or via Credit card. Submission: Once you have your film completely uploaded you can start submitting, there are two options: - Go to MY FILMS tab, choose the film you want to submit and click on the last icon. Choose from the list of festivals (You can submit to more than one). Don’t forget to select the category. Scroll down till the end of the page, accept the rules and confirm. - Go to FESTIVALS tab, choose the festival you want and click on submit icon. Choose the film and the category. Scroll down till the end of the page, accept the rules and confirm. What about festivals with entry fee? The click of the submission is apart from the fee. The entry fees depends on the festivals, through Click For Festivals you’ll pay the fee directly to the festivals. We are the only platform with 10% discount on the fees for filmmakers. Submit cheaper to all the festivals with fee. I am a distributor. Create an account as a distributor here We know you handle a big catalogue of films so there are special prices for you. Buy clicks and get more for free! |
Actividad subvencionada por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte